Rooftop of La Rinascente

In the picture you see the big Duomo. To the left of the Duomo there is a yellow colored building with glass on top. That is where we were sitting. Back to the great concept. I was talking about the mozzarella bar called obika. There is one in NY if you don't ever make it to Milan. It offers different types of mozzarella with different things to go with it. Just a fun little spot to have a little snack and glass of vino. It gave us some energy for our day of shopping. And by the way, it was a beautiful day...quite a change from MN.
After a long day of shopping which included me finding nothing, Vally getting a new shirt, and Vally and I switching shoes at the atm, it was time for another apperitivo. This time we choose to go to one of our favorite hotels, that we can't afford to stay at, so we go to eat and drink.

I first got introduced to this hotel now almost 3 years ago when I had a group
of guy friends that played for the basketball team Armani Jeans Milano. My friend and I met this group of guys there to enjoy some drinks before we went over to NOBU which is right down the street. The Bvlgari(Bulgari) Hotel is incredible. Very pricy but very quite and secluded while in the center of milan which is hard to find. It was a great way to end our evening in Milano.
As we drove back to Novara I sang to Vally all the way home. She loves when I bring her new music from the states and sing to her. For some reason she thinks I have a great voice, obviously her other friends must be tone deaf if I have a good voice. But I also enjoy singing so its not a problem. We reach Novara in less then 20 min and decided to do chinese take out at my favorite chinese spot in the centro commerciale (shopping center). The lady remembers me from last year since I was a 3 time a week regular. I order my pollo con salsa curry ( curry chicken) and my riso bianco (white rice). Both Vally and I are tired. We get back to the house Vally and I go right to bed but of course I am still messed up with the time difference and wake up at 4am. I think my body thought I was taking a nap. I couldn't fall asleep again until 9. Good thing or Vally would have missed weights. Her alarm didn't go off and luckily I knew what time she needed to go so I woke her up. Finally I got up at like 3 or something...I told you I was messed up. Then I joined the team at practice. They kept trying to get me to play...I just told them I was on vacation...a 6 month one. But it was good to be in the gym again.
Ciao for now...
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