Friday, March 20, 2009

Great concept

Sleeping, Nobu, Gold, & Old Fashion

Love you Kim

Italy Arrival

Friday, March 13, 2009
Great Convo & Hugs
Great conversation and hugs are two things that are so underrated. Saturday night at dinner the quality of the conversation was at an all time high. Talking about family, friends, social issues, previous relationships, practically everything. And towards the end of the night Jenna shared a story with Christi that I had already heard but could listen to it over and over again. Its a story that gives you goose bumps, brings tears to your eyes and just down right makes us feel warm inside. Jenna gave me permission to share the story but instead I am going to share the email she sent to Christi and I on Sunday. It is a recap of the story along with some touching words from Jenna. Here it is...
Thanks for an absolutely fantastic weekend. I haven't laughed, smiled, or shared so many good stories, while creating new memories like that in a long time.
As I promised, I wanted to share with you a little about Gertrude Bielenberg (my G'ma).
My cousin put the recipe book together, pulling together everything that was in my Grandma's recipe card box.
The title of the book is:
black bathing suit, red poppies, blue carnations
"If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange, a circle of sections, held together but separable - each segment distinct." Letty Cottin Pogrebin
The book then proceeds with AMAZING recipes of my childhood. It ends wi
th a unique card, and I think it says a lot about who my Grandma was, and what was so important to her; friends and family. It's almost as if it was her recipe for life and for love. It is as follows:
The Joy and Value of Hugging
"'Tenderness,' says psychologist Eric Promm in 'The Art of Loving,' 'is the most beautiful but least remembered word in the language.' How desperately we need not just the word but tenderness itself:
Social scientist Virginia Satir, famous for her family studies, says 'hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional boost...'
'You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance and 12 for growth. A hug can say things you don't have words for...The nicest thing about it is that you usually can't give one without getting one.'
She adds that a hug makes us feel good because 'the skin is the largest organ we have, and it needs a great deal of care. A hug can cover a lot of skin area and give the message that you care.'"
With my eyes teary, and a lump in my throat, I can truly say that YES, I have been loved, and it's through great friends like you.
Enjoy your day, it has been a fabulous weekend!
I want you all to meet Jenna. Jenna has been my friend since my freshman year in college. We met through mutual friends and throughout the 10 years our friendship has blossomed into one that will last forever. I love you Jenna.
Rewind: Flashback Song of the Week
I know music can have an impact on people, but was again reminded of it this past weekend. I had a big weekend planned with tow of my girlfriends Christi and Jenna. Christi decided to make a CD for the ride to dinner which ended up being on tract 1 the rest of the night. Little did we know that Track 1 would have such and impact on ours and others night.

Just a couple highlights of the night...
On the ride to dinner, I taught the girls how to use their cellphone as a microphone and also gave them the option of using a water bottle. I don’t know about you but I always have multiple FIJI water bottles(Lindsey Berg’s water of choice except of course for Hawaii tap water) laying around the car. I think we played the song a good 3 and a half times before we arrived at one of my favorite Twin Cities restaurants Cafe Lurcat (1624 Harmon Place Minneapolis). It was restaurant week in MN which means they have a prefixed menu with choices for 1st, 2nd, and dessert for a very reasonable price. We all started off with the apple, cheese and chive or is it apple, chive and cheese salad...either way it is to die for. I need to learn how to make it. Then surprisingly, but not really we all had the Miso Sea bass...unbelievable...i like to compare it to Nobu’s miso cod. And of course to top it all off we had a selection of desserts but my favorite is the mini donuts. I know what nice restaurant serves mini donuts??? This one...and they are incredible. We had a fabulous server I will have to find out his name for you...It makes me happy to see people enjoying their jobs and making the most of them.
After dinner we headed to Chambers, a fabulous, chic, modern boutique hotel in Minneapolis. As we were driving of course we were listening to Whitney again, I mean really no other way at this point...we were officially addicted. We soon found out that we had the music up so loud that everyone could hear it. A taxi pulled up next to us with a group of fun individuals that ended up rolling down their windows and sang Whitney with us...some how they already knew the cellphone/mic requirement without me telling them. They even got more into it and pretended to play the sax during the part of the song. Definitely a group to reckon with for the most fun people of the night. Jenna taught us that motto...wherever we go, we are the most fun people there. We got the gold that night. Oh one more thing, thanks to the Chambers valet for getting on his knees and singing Whitney to us...we didn’t even have to ask him to.
Ladies take a break while I’m in Italy...give Whit a little rest...my first weekend back “The Return of Whitney”...love u.
Rewind: Barrio

On my way to Italia...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
She does it all...
I would like to introduce you to one of my best friends...Kat Higgins. Thanks to Kat the NYSE ringing of the bell event was organized in about 24 hours, along with many other important details. Meet Kat...the professional, fashionista, fabulous Mom. Love you.

Inauguration Highlights
What one will do for some Louis and Gucci...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Times to Remember