Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Meet Lexi
I am in North Carolina right now visiting my sister, and her 2 lil ones, Lexi and Noa. Here is a little video of Lexi...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A night out at the loop with some friends...and these guys walk of the best shirts I have ever seen.
And one of the best faces...
Grown Men Crying at a Basketball Game
I promised you that I would talk about Italian Basketball games a little. A couple weeks ago I was back in Italy in one of my favorite cities, Bologna. It is a little big city. Rome, Milan, and Florence could be compared to NY, Chicago, and LA. Bologna could be compared to Minneapolis. Bologna is also a huge basketball city in Italy. It is not normal for one city to have 2 A1 (the highest league) teams. But Bologna does, Fortitudo and Virtus. And there are 2 separate fan clubs, half of the city is with Fortitudo and the other half with Virtus. Every year they have 2 derbys and they are crazy...probably one of the most entertaining games each year. No matter how good one team or the other always ends up a battle. Unfortunately I missed that game...but I got to see another Fortitudo game. They were on I think a 7 game loosing streak. Not a good look at all.

Let me go back for a second and talk a little about the fans. They are is hard to use any other word...maybe die hard, lunatics...I think you get the picture. Grown men and women dressed up yelling constantly at the refs, players, and coaches. Running up to the barriers around the court waving their hands and yelling words I can't write on my blog.

Whether they know or understand the game, it doesn't matter they will still scream and yell. They even enjoy yelling at the American players the most. Luckily I understand Italian so I know what they are all saying. And this trip I actually decided to put one Italian in their place for screaming about my friend. Throughout the whole game he was speaking of how bad the Americans were, and that Americans are s%$^%%t and so on and so forth. After the game was finished he decided to ask me if I had a piece of gum. I told him I do have one but it is American so he probably won't like it. He then went on for 10 min apologizing and trying to explain himself. I joked around with him for a little bit acting like I really was mad...then gave in a gave him a piece of orbitz. I bet he will look around the next time he decides to speak bad about Americans.
The game that I was at ended up going into 3 overtimes. It was crazy. The game started at 830 pm and ended at almost 12. I was starving and my back hurt from sitting in horrible benches. But it was definitely worth waiting til the end. The team and more so the fans were so happy to see the team finally win, they knocked down security and stormed the court. I also spotted at least half a dozen grown men crying. As an athlete I understand how emotional it can get, and I have definitely cried after a few games. But I just don't understand the fans crying...

But gotta hand it to the Italians for enjoying, respecting, and loving the game...
Just a lil kid at a basketball game in Italy...some people's parents (right KG)

It got even worse when he turned around. Full set of bangs...sorry I couldn't put the kid on full blast. Italian style always ahead of the game...or not
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Venice partner in crime (Charlie) & I
After not being able to sleep the night before...finally after watching an episode of Amazing Race (love this show for a couple reasons...I think my sister and I would kick ass, and I know one of the girls in it this season), an episode of Hills ( I know I know), wanting to start my episode of 24, and a couple phone calls to some friends in the states, I got one hour of sleep before I had to wake up and get ready to go to Venice. Nothing was going to stop me from going to Venice. I played in Italy for 4 years and didn't once have a chance to visit or just didn't make time. So now that I am back in Italy on vacation, and had a friend that had never been either, we decided it was time to venture there.
The plan was just a day trip. We knew we had to be back for our friend's basketball game back in Bologna. So we took the 938am train, which ended up being delayed by 40 min. After a eurostar train ride of about and hour and 40 min we arrived in Venice. I didn't really know what to expect other than pictures I have seen and things I have heard. We walked out of the train station and immediately I knew it was going to be a great day. I tried to do some research on what we should do exactly. The most popular suggestions were ride a gondola, visit Piazza San Marco, and just get lost in the little streets. We bought a map just in case and headed over the first bridge (I say first because we must have walked over 100 little bridges). We decided to try to make our way to the Piazza San Marco first. We jut decided to start walking hoping we would see signs or follow someone or something we really just didn't know. As we were walking we bumped into many gondoliers. We decided to ask one how to get to the Piazza San Marco and he said it was all the way on the other side. We asked if he could take us on a tour then drop us close and he said yes. We paid 40 euro each (I heard that was about right). Here I am with our gondolier. He has been working as one for 15 years.

As were were riding through a little canal our driver told us to be ready because on the left there will be a little opening to a beautiful house and garden. We had about half a second to take the picture...this is what we got...

After our ride we headed toward Piazza San Marco. This time it was a little easier. Lots of signs and people to follow. We knew we were in the right place. We walked past all my favorite shops, Prada, Gucci, Louis, Cavalli, must I go on. The sun was was the perfect day to be in Venice. We got to the square and decided to sit for a bite to eat. Here was our spread...

Nothing like a cold Heine in the middle of the day (I take after my Dad...Miss u Dad)

In the square in my Italian get up

Grand Canal

One of the little canals

Looking out into the Adriatic
After walking around the square and along the Adriatic we decided to venture back to the train station not knowing how long it would take us to find it since it was on the other side. Going up and down alleys and bridges with no problem we made our way back to the station early. We had about 40 min to kill so we just chilled out on the steps and people watched. Lots of nobueno.coms going on Kim Glass. You would have truly appreciated it. The train ride back was easy and there was a lot of room to spread out and get comfortable. It had already been a long day but it was far from over.
We got back to Bologna. Decided to go to the grocery store to stock up on some food. I was feeling domestic and ready to cook a little. With about an hour to rest and get ready, we were then off to the game. The game deserves its own blog...Italians and their basketball...ridiculous.
Volleyball Magazine Pics

Remember I did that photo shoot a while back...Well I couldn't tell you then what it was for. But now that the magazine is out (I still haven't seen it since I'm in Italy) I can post some of the other pictures I took that day. I am still waiting for a couple more from the photographer but here are soon for your enjoyment...

This is my personal favorite...I hope this one made the Magazine

Love my hair in this one

This one was an experiment for the photographer's book...Loved how it turned out but I think a little too edgy for Vball Mag

Real face

Real cheesy ;)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter in Italy @ Roadhouse
We spent the day just chillin, watching movies, and napping. The big question of the day was where will we eat our Easter dinner??? From my experience of being in Italy on holidays I knew that any American or Asian restaurants would be open. We chose to go to Roadhouse Grill. They don't have the cinnamon sugar rolls like in the states. But I can't be too picky. I had a nice little salad and filet. One interesting thing we found out is that they serve only one ice cube with your coke. And that ice cube lasts forever at least until the coke is done. Word. It was a big topic at the dinner table along with the guys that tries to wash your windshield at the stop lights. Overall a great Easter, I'm always down for new experiences. All you need is good company and I definitely had that. A little pic of the quality Roadhouse...
It's just the start of this trip. I'm sure a lot more stories and memories to be told and made.
Ciao for now...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Volleyball Magazine
Just wanted to let everyone know I am on the cover of Volleyball Magazine. I have not seen the magazine yet but a couple of people I know have. I will have some pics up for you soon when I get a hold of the mag. I am off to Italy again. I just can't get enough. Thank you to all my friends in MN for making my last night there a memorable one. In the last 6 months I have shared memories with old friends and made new memories with new friends that I will cherish forever. I will have a recap of my 6 months in MN coming soon. Also just want to thank all my blog followers...I hope you are enjoying reading about my life as much as I am enjoying living it. More to come soon...which will include an introduction to one of my new best friends...she is amazing and everyone should know it...Danger ;)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Bento Box

My favs:
Yakiniku Classic Bento
Kushi-Katsu Classic Bento
Bistro Rice Ball
I love this little place. I am so sad that I just found it or I would have been eating here for the last 6 months. Big ups to MN for having a great Japanese restaurant that makes me feel right at home. I'll miss you my lil Bento spot.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Last minute road trip...Chi-town
It has been just a little bit over 6 months since my surgery and it was time to return to Chicago to get another MRI to see how my knee is healing. I knew I was going to be really busy this month so I had to fit this little trip in. The big decision was do I fly or do I drive. You probably think I am crazy thinking about driving but I am actually a fan of road trips...especially when you have good company. My friend Vera (I'll call her V in the blog) is always up for adventures so I asked her to join me. She was so excited. I have been friends with Vera since college. She is a sweetheart and deserves the best in life and will get it soon. Keep your head up V...I'm here for you.
So V and I got in my little Hybrid and headed to Chi-town. After about 6 hours and only one tank of gas at $20 we got to downtown Chi. Normally when I am in Chicago I stay at the W Hotel Lake shore but I wanted to try something new. We ended up at The James...chic and fabulous.

This was on the way to the amazing...old suitcases piled up...genius.
V and I changed out of our sweats and headed downstairs to find somewhere to step out to. It was a rainy night in Chi and turned out to be a pretty dull one until we met this fabulous character at The Leg Room. I don't remember his name but I will call him Schwag...not Swag...Schwag.
Meet Schwag...
He sat down next to us and openly told us that he is the definition of SCHwag...not swag. What a guy. Thanks for the laughs Schwager.
After a good night sleep I had to wake up early to get to my doctor appointment. The appointment went well. Doc said the cartilage is growing back and I can start to run and jump. I just have to be careful and listen to my knee when it gets swollen and sore. So...good news at the Doctor's means time to shop. Michigan Ave. was waiting for me.
I got back to the hotel. V was getting ready. We hit up the restaurant Big Bowl for a little energy then hit the streets. We made all the normal stops. I wont bore you with the names. It ended up being a successful shopping day. I got an incredible purse, and the perfect dress for the event I will attend in Miami. One little problem...the dress is still not in my hands. There are 2 left out there and we are trying to locate them. In the meantime I am praying to the fashion gods...I need that dress. I can't share pictures of my purchases will see them later in Miami...I can't wait.
After a long day we got back to the hotel for a couple hours of rest. We had a 930 reservation at the trendy Steakhouse N9NE.
We met the best people at N9NE. Our server was great...ask for Chris when you go there. It was like we had been friends for years. The GM even came up to us and we had a great convo with him. Then we got introduced to a man by the name of AJ. AJ is a stylist, makeup artist, and fashion consultant. His most recent venture is his fashion line 12 dresses. Check it out...12 Dresses by AJ.
AJ & V
After promising AJ we would meet up with him later. V and I got in a cab to meet Mr. Michael Lehan. V and I went to college with him, and since then he has had a great career in the NFL. We went to a place called Martini Park. I felt like I was back in college. After a short stay there we headed to Underground which we had been hearing about from a bunch of people. AJ told us to just say his name at the door and we were in. Word...(that's for you sis)

Cool little joint. They played great music for a while then it turned to techno. We decided to change spots. Ended up at a place I don't even know the name. All I know is my name went from Lindsey to Chanel. I was wearing one of my favorite necklaces with a Chanel logo and a complete stranger decided that was my name for the night. Some people's kids as Kim Glass would say. By the way I miss you KG.
V and I headed back to the hotel. We had a long day of driving the next days and some big Bball games to watch. Go UNC Tar Heels. Another shout out for you sis. Miss you Erin, Lexi, & Noa (My sister and her 2 Lil ones...they live in Chapel Hill, NC and I miss them so much). Mom I need you to send me some pics so I can get the Lil ones on the blog.
Sweet dreams...
Giving back...
As you all could probably tell by my Italy blogs...I really didn't want to leave. But I had to...and it was for a good reason. A couple months ago I agreed to speak at a Charity Fundraiser dinner. The dinner was to raise money for the Nadja Carr Foundation. I had a weekend of events ahead of me. I got back to Minneapolis Thursday night, and had to get some rest right away knowing I was going to be on the 630am FOX news live...yes 630am. Luckily I was on Italian time or I would have never made it. I am the one that misses 630am flights...not really a morning person. Here are a couple pictures from the news shoot...
Here Chris Carr (Former NBAer and Father to Nadja Carr) and I are getting interviewed. Chris was supposed to put my jersey on but he didn't want to make me look bad. Instead I made him look bad and beat him in a game of HORSE...but there was a catch. We were setting the ball in the basket not shooting it. Chris and I now have an ongoing competition. Never will it be just one sport it will be a mixture. Coming soon roller tennis. 1-0 for the good gal ;)

Chris, the good gal, MA Rosko (Fox Morning News), and Michael Deering (SuperStar PR) posing for one last picture. I let MA wear my medal for the whole 2 hours we were there. Click here to see my embarrassing Morning News clip...I don't like cameras.
Later that night was the Nadja Carr Foundation Charity Dinner. I was the featured guest speaker...can you believe it?? I was a little nervous since I was jet lagged. I was scared words were going to come out of my mouth a little too fast and maybe in Italian. Everything seemed to turn out fine other then my cell phone ringing...yes I thought I turned it off...guess not right. Good thing everyone just laughed, and I turned red. But it was a great experience overall and hope to do more in the future. At the event there was also a silent auction. I donated one of my Olympics jerseys and an autographed action shot. I couldn't believe how much they went for. $650 for the jersey and $250 for the pic. I am so happy I could raise the money for the foundation. Now I am just happy I know how much I can sell them for. Contact me on my website if you are looking to buy...just joking. Again I had a fabulous time, I got to meet a lot of wonderful people, even made a few cry along with myself. It was a great evening and worth the trip back from Italy. I hope to have some pics from the event soon.
To finish the charity weekend off. I was involved in the bowling tournament that Sunday. I invited my good friend Laura Bush (no not THE Laura Bush but even better the assistant coach of the University of MN vball team) to be on my team, and the other 2 spots were auctioned off. A very sweet couple joined us on our team. I can't say we were the best team there or even in the top 5 but we sure did have a good time. I will have to hit the bowling lanes out gutters.
Thank you Carr family & 43 Hoops family for a wonderful weekend. I hope to be involved in the future. You are a spectacular family and I wish the best for you all. Hugs.
There is only one Vally in the world...
As I look at my pictures from Italy and write my blogs about Italy I get a little teary eyed. When I signed my first contract to play in Italy I never thought I would end up there for 4 years, never thought I would learn how to drive stick shift, never thought I would learn Italian, never thought I would do many of the things I did while I was there, and finally never thought I would meet one of my best friends in the world. Vally you are truly an amazing person. I am so happy I signed on the dotted line in September of 2004. You don't come across many people like Vally and I just wanted to let the world know how special she is. I love you Vally. See you soon.
Ok back to the Italy trip...yes I know it was a couple weeks ago now...but it is still worth writing about. So I left off after a fab night in Bologna. Erica, Vally, and I knew we had to wake up early to get Erica back to the airport to return to Sardegna(or should I say Phil). We all got up...well at least Erica and I did. We headed down for a good breakfast at our UNA Hotel. We waited a little while for Vally then decided to call her to make sure she was up. It didn't sound like she was...but she got up to say the least. Even Heather made a trip down to the lobby to say buh bye...probably way more then I would do. We were all taking our time eating, then we checked out, and we thought it was around 8. Well by the time we pulled out of the hotel it was 820am...uh oh. But we really didn't think about it until we put in our destination in our TomTom(navigator). It said a little over 2 hours. Luckily TomTom is always wrong. We weren't stressing too much until we hit traffic. And when you hit traffic on the hit traffic. Looked a little like this...but worse.
Well that's what Erica and Vally told me. I was passed out in the back of the car. It was a little early for me.All of the stop and go did wake me up though. Then we started stressing and planning. I had been begging Erica to stay another night anyway so I guess someone was listening to me. It was cutting it close but we decided to try to get to the airport anyway...Italian flights are always late...maybe this one would be too...or maybe not. We pulled up to the airport...Erica grabbed her things and ran in. She made it to the gate as the plane was pulling out...ohhhhhh we were so close. All we really could do was laugh. And then it set in we had to find a solution to get Erica home. After a long couple hours of phone calls, Internet, and frustrations...Erica finally found the perfect plan and she got back later that night. Just in time to cook Phil some caramel cuts...just joking E-dawg.

After resting up during the day...Vally and I got dressed up once again to meet a couple friends at a place called Fingers...I wish they had a website, pictures or something but I just can't find any. It is supposed to be a mixture of Japanese, Brazilian, and Italian food. But I would say it is mostly Japanese. I had been there once before with Vally but we wanted to try it again. Two of our Basketball friends joined us, Joe and Pietro. We had a good meal then it was off to Old Fashion (one of the most famous clubs in Milan). Sanja and her teammate met us. It was a pretty mellow, early night. But Vally did have some trouble with her feet. What us gals do to look good. My feet hurt looking at this picture.
Poor Vally, she just had to make it through one more night out with me. And she even got a night of rest in between.
Tuesday night we decided to go eat dinner with Vally's parents in Biella. Biella is about 30 minutes from Novara. Vally's Dad is a great cook. We had shrimp and zucchini risotto, and swordfish. All of my clothes smelt like fish at the end of the night but it was worth it. Vally's mom Marissa took pictures with my silver medal. We told lots of stories and had a great night. Vally also just finished designing her loft. She has her own little area in her parents house when she is visiting. It was sooooo cute I loved it. Modern and full of green pieces...Vally's favorite color of course. Made me want a place of my own ASAP. Cali here I come. More on that later. It was a great night thanks to my Italian Parents. Love you guys.
I was supposed to leave Wednesday morning but was having too much fun and wanted to stay one more night. There is only one area to spend you last night...the Armani block. Yep it was NOBU and Armani Prive once again.
Vally and I headed to Milan for the 50th time that trip :) to meet some friends. We ate our usual meal at NOBU and headed down to Armani Prive. This time we had a table thank goodness because it gets pretty crowded in there. We danced the night away, and had a great night with some friends. Here are some pics from that night. It was the perfect way to top off my Italian getaway.
Jonus(don't think I spelled that right but what I do know is he will be the first Swedish Bballer in the NBA), Vally, & Pietro
Vally & I (I was pretty tired...long 10 days)
Joe, James & Jonus
Thank you everyone for making my trip one to remember...I might just be back sooner then you think. Kisses.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Road Trip
Sunday morning...oh wait Sunday afternoon, we didn't wake up early enough. After packing our little bags ( in my case not so little) we hoped in the car and headed to McDonalds...yes I said McDonalds. It was quite and experience. They have a new drive through in Novara. And I don't know if it should be called a drive through or a speed through. The guy on the speaker was acting like it was a race to get us through we had to beg him for a minute to decide. As he raced us through, we ended up waiting a while to get out food so Erica and I jumped out of the car and started taking pictures. Of course all the Italians around us were staring...we were the crazy Americans. Here I am in front of the drive through
We ate our McDonalds in the car and headed to Bologna. Bologna (BO) is one of my favorite cities in Italy. I grew very fond of BO when I was playing in Pesaro. It was only an hour drive North from Pesaro and I met some very special friends there. So when I knew I was going to Italy, I knew I had to make a trip to BO and see my friends at the restaurant Formosa, more specifically my dear friend Sandro. I love you Sandro.
We arrived in BO to meet Sandro at his other business a gelato shop. Normally it wouldn't be open yet but it was a beautiful day in BO so it was open. Vally had a little scoop, and then Sandro on his scooter lead us to our hotel. UNA Hotel is my favorite in BO, right across from the train station, close to the shopping, and a short drive to my favorite restaurant Formosa. Here is a picture of the beds in the hotel...we still can't figure out what it says above them.
Erica and I shared a room, while Vally was in the other room with another bed for Heather Bown (my Olympic teammate) who was meeting us a little later. We got ready to meet up with Sandro for dinner at Formosa. He had my favorites prepared when we arrived. Pasta with speak (bacon), saffron, and zucchini to start. Then steak with Parmesan, rucola, and balsamic. It was so great. While we were eating, my friend Meika Wagner (vball player, fashion designer) stopped by for a glass of wine, and to show me her sketches of the clothes she is designing in fashion school. Amazing is all I have to doing it big miss lady. Miss you...can't wait to post about your line on my blog. Dinner and company was fab...I even presented Sandro with one of my Olympic jerseys, and he presented us with something as well. I wish I could tell you what is was, but not very appropriate, you can ask me in person if you want to know. Time flew and we were late for the basketball game. Sandro got us tickets to see Virtus Bologna play Rome. The #2 and #3 team. Basketball games are crazy in Italy, especially in BO. It took us too long to find the gym and we almost didn't get out tickets, but we were very persistent and found our tickets and got into the game. Here are a couple pictures...
We had a great time at the game. Bologna was victorious so we knew it was going to be a great night. We beat the traffic and headed back to Formosa to get the night started. I once again was the DJ, Sandro loves when I bring him new Mix Cd's. Heather finally made it there. We headed back to the kitchen so Heather could eat since the place was so packed and no other tables for us.
Heather and I caught up. We socialized with some other American basketball players and other friends with knew from Bologna. After Formosa we headed to our favorite little hip hop spot in the center. Probably one of the worst places to go yet so fun. Great hip hop music, fun people, just over all good times. Here is Vally and Erica looking gorgeous...
Overall another quality, successful night. It was so good to see you Sandro and other friends. I meet some new friends there also and hope to keep in touch with them. I can't wait to go back...maybe I'll be back soon. Until then Sandro I hope you can find another DJ...
And the road trip was about to get even better...coming soon.
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